Simba Bru Coffee Roaster Abbas making Coffee


Since a young age, coffee has been an integral part of Abbas’ life. One of his earliest memories involves waking up to the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee, unknowingly laying the foundation for his future passion and top priority.

During his college years, Abbas worked in a retail job across from an artisan coffee shop. Spending significant time there, he was granted the privilege of preparing his own coffee, further fueling his interest.

Abbas has always been enamoured with the concept of high-quality coffee, and being the perfectionist he is, he felt that mass-produced coffees lacked authenticity. He yearned for a taste that embodied originality and freshness rather than commercialisation.

A few years ago, his wife took him to Tanzania, her home country, for Christmas. It was there that Abbas had his first encounter with the exquisite flavours of speciality coffee. This experience reignited his passion, prompting him to invest in a sample roaster.

From that point forward, Abbas was on a mission to curate the finest coffee available on the market. He dedicated years to experimenting with various roast profiles for coffee beans sourced from around the world, striving to achieve the perfect combination. Leveraging his creative background, he began branding the company that he and his wife now proudly call their own. After investing significant time, money, and effort, they perfected their coffee and made the decision to share their joy with others.


One of the first pillars is to highlight where our coffee beans come from.

We work with specialist importers who directly connect us with coffee producers worldwide, leading to an ethical, sustainable, and more profitable livelihood for the farmers.

We are a brand curated for coffee lovers by coffee lovers to end the search for those looking for the perfect cup of coffee. We understand every step we take as a company has a huge impact on the environment. Thus we take responsibility for ensuring that we can do our best to minimise our footprint.

We offer recyclable bags for our retail and wholesale packaging. Not only that, our local wholesale customers have invested in recyclable tins and packaging as well.

We want to build a brand which gives back to the planet that gives us the coffee we love so much


To embark on the captivating journey of crafting a truly exquisite cup of coffee, one must immerse themselves in the artful process of roasting. It is through the careful coordination of airflow, temperature, and precise timing that the perfect fusion for your senses is born.

Rest assured, our products undergo a thorough series of quality checks and discerning tastings, guaranteeing that only the finest selections reach your cup, ensuring an unparalleled coffee experience.