One of the most popular pour over methods, the V60 gets its name from its V shaped cone that has spiral ribs to allow air to be released while brewing.
Step 1
Place the filter paper in the cone and rinse it out with approximately 100ml of hot water (the water should be roughly 95 degrees). This washes the papery taste away.
Step 2
Add the grounded coffee beans to the dripper (at a ratio of 15g coffee per 250ml cup). Aim for a medium grind, the finer the grind the slower the extraction and equally the coarser the grind the faster the extraction.
Step 3
Pre infuse the coffee by pouring 10% of the water over grounds in a circular motion and wait around 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom.
Step 4
Then pour a further 50% of the water to the grounded beans in a circular motion, once the water in the cone has reduced by half add another 20% of water then repeat one last time until all the water is poured in.
Step 5
Once all the coffee has dripped through, swirl the coffee around a little and serve. Aim for a total brew time of 3 minutes (including 30 seconds for the pre-infusion).
Useful Tip
Ensure you retain a consistent level of water in the filter at all times while brewing so that the extraction remains consistent.